Saturday 14 July 2012

Forgive the lateness of my reply!

Just a quick note to say that I'm sorry that my promised 3 monthly essay is now 2 weeks late! I even changed topic because I knew I was going to run out of time. It is safe to say that things have been pretty hectic around here in the last few weeks. Both my work and real life have been incredibly busy! I am working on it, and I do have one I'm working on for a couple of months time!!

I should also make one note, this is the first month in a number of years that I haven't held a single annual pass to one of the Australian Theme Parks. My wife and I have alternated for the last few years between Dreamworld Annual Pass and the My Fun 3 Park Annual Passes. We simply don't have the time or money this year! There is a very good reason for this, and it is the same reason why we have been so busy...

my wife and I are just a couple of months away from having our first baby!!!

This is very exciting for us, but I can understand that people who follow ThemeParkNut may see this as bad news in the short term. However in the long term this should mean a lot of trips to Theme Parks with our kids in the years to come! There may even be a Disney trip planned, in 10-12 years time.

So please bear with us as we go through some significant changes! I can promise that I'll still be giving ThemeParkNut as much spare time and energy as possible!


  1. Yay for baby! :) I can't believe noone has commented - hehe maybe I'm just super excited. There will be plenty of time for theme park fun in the future, gotta train this baby up to be a thrill-lover :)

  2. It is super exciting!! Yay for having children and looking like we belong in theme parks!! :)
